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    Friday, March 5, 2010

    This is only a TEST (but a Twitter Test! ;-)

    This is a TEST. This is the TEST, to see if it's possible to embed a Twitter stream (as is easy to do, on a web page, or blog sidebar) into an actual Blogger blog entry.

    (Unfortunately, even if it works here, that's no guarantee it'll work on my main blog - which is what I'm actually most concerned about, since I hardly get to update that weblog anymore, but do get time to Tweet... and though I do have my Twitter stream in the sidebar there, I'd like it as the top entry! That's because my main blog uses a "classic" Blogger template, unlike here - and I am one who does not like change! cc: Chris Arndt ;-)

    Still, this is a test. This is a late-night test, within my "Web 2.0" world (which I'm glad you've stumbled upon! :-).

    This is only a test.

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