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    Tuesday, March 2, 2010

    Blackboard entry follow-up: Course plans

    This is the second part of the aforementioned Blackboard thread, for this course.

    Insofar as b) and c), for the "Week 2" discussion posting:

    Assignment #1 is a no-brainer (insofar as the subject matter, that is :-)!! For the UIS student organization that I used to lead, there are SO MANY events (from all over the country) to which I've led major student delegations; the same is true for the many events in this area, which I've helped host, or participated in.

    One thing that has been SO frustrating, for awhile now, is that those photos, videos, recaps, etc... have not really been organized. There are so many services to help with that type of thing now, and Flickr is the one that I'd earlier decide to use; I only ended up getting a few photos uploaded though. This assignment is a great opportunity to FINALLY get this accomplished! (Thank you so much!! ;-)

    I haven't yet thought much about Assignments #2 and #3... As for #4, I've started that blog now (see my earlier posts in this thread, and one that I posted last night, at another discussion section here) - As soon as those drafts are published (and this post, and the one above, will be among the entries posted there!), I will post the url.

    I also plan to spruce up my blog, perhaps with social bookmarking devices, some "widgets" (as they're now called!) - and definitely, with Adsense! (We could all use any extra a$$istance, during these tough times! ;-) I don't plan to add many fancy design elements to the weblog however (as that is not part of this assignment); I may attempt those later however, if time permits. I also plan to use the aforementioned (see my last post, above) promotion web services, when I post entries, to get them additional readership and web traffic.

    I look forward to completing the other Assignments as well.

    I am a little nervous however, about the Assignments that involve web services that I'm not familiar with, and especially the ones involving creating more-complex projects, such as the video assignment, and perhaps iWeb (though I hope I find that to be a workable program), and maybe the PGP and etsy.com (though I'm much less-concerned about those latter two).

    Assignment #5 could be tricky, but since I have many connections and contacts, it will hopefully go smoothly! (I'm not sure though, which person I should choose, for my online partner - Preferably, someone with a great deal of experience, in this field! I'm also not sure how to implement each of our environments, within the collaborative art piece.)

    Overall though, I am excited about these Assignments, and the opportunity to express myself - and also get some great things created and accomplished!

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