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    Saturday, May 8, 2010


    This has been another ultra-difficult week. (That's an understatement, though it's difficult, at the moment, to come up with more-accurate diction/copy.)

    On and off, I've been faced with health issues (both physical and otherwise), intense anxiety, and all sorts of other stuff. I'm not going to go into any detail (at least not in this space!), but I do expect (through prayer, changes on my end, and changes in my situation) things to turn around, before long.

    I have like a million things taking place (things were already busy, before starting a [surprise!] full-time job this week), and I seem to continually be low on energy (Starbucks & Red Bull aside) - But I still believe I will get things done, for this course, and otherwise.

    Expect some posts, very-soon, with updates on these course assignments!

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