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    Wednesday, April 21, 2010

    Where in the Midwest is Aakash?

    Put my plan here...

    Note: While I saved this draft post (planning to outline this plan :-) weeks ago, I am typing and publishing this entry, while in our April class meeting... Right now, it is Wednesday, April 21, 2010.

    In the last class meeting, for this course, we watched the famous "Where the h*** is Matt?" viral video.

    The instructor went over iPhoto and iMovie, and explained how to use these, to "create a stop-motion video" (Assignment #7). [Note: Looking at that assignment now however, I see that we're to do this, "...from still images"!]

    I am planning to travel, throughout the CRNC Midwest Caucus states, for my current position, and my potential candidacy, this summer. I thought therefore, that I'd do a scaled-down (MUCH, much, much, much... scaled-down!! :-) version of that "Matt" video, with clips from my Midwest travels.

    Events I'm scheduled to be at include:

    MOCR 2010 Convention (Springfield, Missouri)
    Friday, April 9 - Saturday, April 10

    ICRF 2010 Convention (Chicago, IL)
    Friday, April 16 - Saturday, April 17

    WICR 2010 Convention (Madison, WI)
    Friday, April 23 - Saturday, April 24

    At this point (as mentioned above), I've already been to 2 of these 3 events, plus an additional tangential one, this past weekend, while up in northern Illinois. I'll be posting a new entry now, with those updates (and link to some pertinent Tweets!).

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